Last Night

Gangsters, Castro, & the CIA / ETs & Ancient Egypt
Gangsters, Castro, & the CIA / ETs & Ancient Egypt
Journalist and producer Thomas Maier recounted how gangsters Johnny Roselli and Sam Giancana were hired by the CIA to kill Fidel Castro. Followed by author Dr. Michael Salla on the Egyptian connection to ETs.


Astrology Insights / Messages from the Other Side
Astrology Insights / Messages from the Other Side

First Half: Astrology expert Mark Lerner has provided thousands of astrological consultations for clients. He'll discuss the lingering effects of the total solar eclipse on April 8th and other challenging astrological disturbances happening this year.

Second Half: Psychic and spiritual teacher Vincent Genna receives and deciphers messages from the Other Side. He'll speak about his work with the Edgar Cayce material and various extraterrestrials with whom he consults, as well as his ongoing dedication to inspiring people to believe in themselves and overcome all the negativity happening right now.

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